I Have Officially Been Flogged!


7 Years
Jan 5, 2013
Loganville, Georgia
For the first time since we got our Rhode Island Red chickens, the roo, George, flogged me three times today. I think because the flock is so scittish, I scared them some how. George has also been mounting the hens and running them a lot lately. If he keeps this behavior up, he might hurt one of the hens, which would leave me with no choice but to trade him.
Whoa, three times in one day?!? He has been busy. Is he under a year old and his hormones are just kicking in? One way you can show him who is boss is by pushing him off the hen when he tries to mate her. You also might be interested in this thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...succeeded-in-retraining-an-aggressive-rooster
Haha yeah he is just begining growing out of the pullet stage and his hormones are raging. Some of my hens are just begining to lay so I think he is more protective of them, too.
I doubt he harms one of his girls you on the other hand will probably get some sore legs lol....Its funny now but once them spurs grow in good ouch!!....I agree with knocking him off of the hen also you may want to pin him to the ground for a few minutes just to show him whos the boss
I doubt he harms one of his girls you on the other hand will probably get some sore legs lol....Its funny now but once them spurs grow in good ouch!!....I agree with knocking him off of the hen also you may want to pin him to the ground for a few minutes just to show him whos the boss
His spurs are not grown out yet, but I think that when they do grow out, I am going to clip them...
Do you have young children? Roosters can severely injure them because they are shorter and unable to fight them off! There is nothing humorous about a roo flogging anyone. Please don't rationalize his behavior.

There are so many nice roos people are selling or giving away because they aren't allowed to have roosters. There is never a good reason to keep a bad one.
If you show him who is boss he may stop it. There's some great threads on here showing how to assert your dominance. Our roo sometimes arcs up at us, and I stand over him and roar "NO! I AM THE ROOSTER!' and then I might chase him with the Broom of Doom (I never hit him). He hates the Broom because he can attack it all he likes, but the Broom does not react! After that he calms down. Meanwhile my neighbours are probably rolling around on the ground laughing!

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