I have predator stealing my eggs.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 23, 2014
I have had eggs come up missing and I know that they are missing because I had went in coop early morning there were 4 eggs and I was not able to carry them because I had recently had foot surgery and was on crutches so when I went back there was only one egg remaining. Same thing happened today and so I am thinking a snake has been the culprit. I need to get rid of it and need to know the best way to go about doing this I am not a snake person so this makes it more difficult but needs to be gone.
Do you have any close neighbors?? lol i was reading a post and she caught 2 of her neighbors on camera in her yard stealing eggs at like 5 AM XD
No because I give them eggs weekly. I did spy a baby possum yesterday so I am thinking he is the culprit going to try and trap him.
put golf balls in if they disappear snake and you wont have to worry about it anymore find them and eggs missing have something else getting them
Yes I have heard about the minnow traps also I have two crazy chickens that like to lay in my planter boxes outside so it is like a true egg hunt although we built them some nice nesting boxes. Any suggestions on how to get them to lay in the nesting boxes instead.

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