I Have To Know, Do You Anthropomorphize Your Animals?

All the time. My friends think it's so funny.
More so with my dogs and cats...but my chickens are people too...hahaha! My dad always called it the "Bambi complex"...LOL I'd love it if my chickens talked to me!!! I want to know what they're thinking when they BAWK BAWK BAKAWK!!! Because mine don't only do it when they are laying but when ever the mood strikes!
I do a little. My 6 year old son does it quite a bit. He walks around talking to them as if he expects them to answer. He invites them to sit in the hammock with him. Talks to them while he plays in the backyard, explaining the mysteries of life to them I suppose.
oh yeah. I am guilty.. as is my daughter.

I swear though I can tell the difference in their "tone" and can tell what they want now. And its only been a few months.

I call it the "Cinderella Syndrome"
Not that I live with my evil stepmother or step sisters.. but I at one time thought that girl was plain ole nuts:p
Oh my... it's amazing the kind of conversations those chickens have!

There are several affairs in my coop, along with the wimps and head honchos... they make it interesting.

I did find out however they all detest greenbeans... they we not very nice about it either...

They listen to me I swear they do. They talk to me all the time (LOL)
Someone on here asked if anyone thought about hoodies for the chickens on culling day. My DH told me not to call him the chickies daddy. I should have took the hint. TOO LATE, I have referred to myself as their mommy........
I will be making hoodies for culling time. My poor little babbies

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