I hear chirping...........but no sign of hatching******UPDATE*****


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 31, 2012
The poor dear is making all kinds of noise but no sign of hatching. Should I help it out or leave it alone? IF I need to help it out how do I go about that?
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Thanks...........I have been reading lots of info.........and it seems to be that it could still take a few hours for anything to happen. I will just wait it out.
Once you hear peeps, it could be 48 hours or more before hatch. Sit on your hands and don't worry to much!
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Sit on your hands, have a friend sit on your hands, have a stranger sit on your hands - but whatever you do, don't sit on the egg.

Good luck with your chick - will say a little chickprayer for him/her.
I picked it up this moring..........the chick was coming out the bottom. I turned it up and chipped away some of the egg and saw some blood and put it back. I am off to work so I hope the little guy makes it~ I also chipped away on the wrong end. I feel so bad about it. I am glad I am going to work..........................I hope I have not killed the little guy! I feel just awful!!! :(
I came home from work and a leg was sticking out! My hubby said it had been that way for most of the day. SO I pealed off all the egg shell layer and stuck it back in and it came out. It looks a little stiff right now. Its really trying to get up. POOR thing, I think it was just too big for its egg.

Thanks for the help!

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