I just cant decide


8 Years
Mar 1, 2011
Northern Idaho
Ok so I need your help. I got 8 chicks, thinking that I might lose some or maybe get a couple roosters. Well I only think 1 is a rooster. And I havent lost any. I really would like to get down to 5 girls. Right now I have 2 red sex links, 2 EE, 1 BR, 1 BO, 1 SLW & 1 BA. I think I know which 4 I am going to keep, but cant figure out that 5th. I need your help. I think I am going to keep the BR, 2 sex links & 1 EE. I think the other EE is a rooster. So that leaves me a SLW, BA & BO. Which would you keep out of those 3? And why? Thanks so much.
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I would keep the BO. I went to the feed store with my daughter today in the hopes of coming home with a BR, a couple EEs and at least on BO... and they were all out! I couldn't tell a 3 year old "sorry. no chickens today" so I just bought what they had haha. So keep a BO! Because they are supposed to be friendliest and because I don't have one hehe
A BO is a good mama if the time ever comes...But the SLW is really pretty... I'd keep all!!
She is a hatchery SLW, so her lacing isnt as pretty. But she is still pretty. I would rather not have alot of broody breeds. I just want to keep my family of 5 in eggs and cant do that with broody hens.
The 3 that I will get rid of will be going to my MIL, so I will still see them.
Personally, I would go with the BO or the BA. I have a SLW, and she is pretty even with poor hatchery body type and lacing. She's also the only one with all of her feathers because she keeps barbering everyone else's feathers
From what I have read, this is not uncommon for hatchery wyandottes to be friendly towards people but a little hard on other birds in the flock. Having only one may help cut down on the behavior, but mine is the only wyandotte and she's still a bully. I would rehome her, but she lays a beautiful 2oz brown egg almost every day so I am reluctant to loose one of my best layers.

Between the orp and the australorp, I would probably go with the BO because I think they are prettier. But I think the BA is supposed to be less likely to go broody. However, these are just things I've read here and there as I have no personal experience with either breed.
Man you all arent alot of help. All your "keep them all, keep them all", for surely wont keep my neighbors happy.
Trust me I would love to keep them all. I am just glad that the ones I do decide to rehome will go to my mother in-law.
I had SLWs before and they weren't really interesting to me (and the roo was put down for meanness). Now I have BOs and BAs.

The BOs are "our" favorites (but I really love my silkies and EEs more). They do go broody. My BAs are not laying yet and so I cannot tell you much about them. They are very sweet though.

Bottom line: I would keep the BO. They are soooo beautiful. My DH insists on having 5 of them at all times. Second choice: BA.
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Boy, tough choice. I would Keep the BA. For starters its nice to have a variety of colors in your flock and you need a Blackie. Plus one of my friends had a BA and it was an awesome layer and very friendly. Not that BOs aren't friendly, but you already have RSL and I suspect your EE is going to be that tannish color they often are. Wyandottes are very pretty, but I have never been a huge fan of their personalities as compared to the other ones you listed. Not that you asked, but I would actually keep only one of the RSL and keep both the BO and the BA, just so you maximize your variety, but thats just me.

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