I just lost a pet quail

I'm happy that I learned something today.
Thanks for teaching me. I always just thought they had a mean bite. I have never had a reaction to them other then it hurt & turns red.
So both my females died and I'm left with my male
If you CAN get this male a few females, I am sure he would appreciate it. However they can survive by themselves. I have 2 lone males with no females. They aren't going to die from being alone, although they are probably a bit lonely. You might spend more time with this lone male, bring him extra goodies during the day. Maybe play a radio on some quiet music, maybe a ticking clock to calm his nerves. How tame is he? If he is pretty tame, you might bring him inside the house as a house pet. I have a friend that has a male quail house pet. He snuggles under her shirt, hangs out with her all day long, etc...he is a real lover boy.
Yeah hese been sleeping in my room since then, hese really tame. Hese laying right next to me right now

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