I just rescued 2 adult Pekin ducks - now what?


11 Years
Sep 9, 2008
They were sitting in a cage infront of a local business for 3 days, without food and water, and in their own feces. Brought them home, gave them chicken feed, water, and a small tub to play in. They immediately proceeded to clean themselves up, and went from being dirty and stinky to shiney and white in just under an hour.
Being a chicken and goat person, I know nothing about ducks, but have been reading up on them and am beginning to suspect that they might be drakes (so much for calling them "Thelma and Luise"...). Their tailfeathers are slightly curved upward, and they make soft, raspy sounds, as supposed to loud, single quacks.
So here's my question: Can 2 drakes (if that's what they are indeed) co-exist with a flock of 16 chickens? My birds get locked up in a henhouse at night, but free-range in our fenced backyard during the day. The ducks are in a small pen at the moment, but we would love to set them free in the yard as soon as possible. Any input is greatly appreciated (pic's will follow later on today).
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Sounds like you have to pekin drakes that someone didnt want. I wouldnt put drakes in a flock of chickens without any female ducks, the drakes with try and breed you chickens, and posibly kill them.
Bless you for rescuing them, and yes drakes and no they can't live with your flock of chickens as Duck Girl said they will try to mate with your hens. If you want to let them range free with your chickens then be there to supervise any unwanted affections towards your hens.
I was afraid you all were going to tell me that. I have not yet decided wether I will try to rehome them, or keep them. If the latter, I plan to section off a part of the yard, so that they can free-range away from the hens. Can 2 drakes live together okay (like roosters?), or will they fight? I don't really plan to aquire any more ducks, just needed to do something quickly,when I saw these 2 poor creatures...
They should be ably to live on their own just the 2 drakes. If there is no females and they have their own yard then there is nothing to fight over. I have seen other people post where all they have is boys and they do just fine! as long as there is not girls around.

Great job on saving them to!
if you put them on craigs im sure they will be pick up fast!

Ive been looking in my area for a drake and they get snatched like within 12 hours of posting people must live on craigs list because as soon as i see something i want posted even that day its gone
Evelle - thanks for the suggestion, but I would only use CL as a last resort, because I don't want them to end up as someone's Christmas dinner (which most folks who search CL for "unwanted lifestock" (like spare roosters or male baby goats) are looking for.

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