2chicks poultry

6 Years
Apr 27, 2013
Othello Washington
I know that this is a chicken cite and I love it because I have an egg laying business and I have raised and shown chickens all my life but I have noticed that over the years lots of ppl that have chickens have rabbits as well. So today I was out doin my chores for the night and it was startin to get late when I heard this horrible screamin comin from my carport so I rushed over to see what was screamin and there was my cat Eddie sittin there torturin this poor little young wild rabbit! So I rushed over to him and got the poor little thin away from him and it didnt seem hurt except for a little bloody scratch on its back. It was young and it was gettin dark and we have a lot of coyotes and racoons and owls and night hawks and stray cats thats why i was lockin everyhtin up so I took the little rabbit and got some saw dust and put that in a pet carrier and then put him into the pet carrier and then put that in the barn. I put water in there with him and some wild bird seed. I have never raised rabbits before in my intier life and I have no idea how to help him im hopefully goin to town tomarrow so i can pick him up some rabbit food then and whatever else he needs if he survives the night
If anyone can help me by givin me some good advise please let me know! And also does he have bugs? and if he does how do I get them off of him?! PLEASE HELP
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I would personally release him in the morning if he is active and alert. You did a good thing by stopping your cat, and now you need to do another good thing- let him go back where he belongs as soon as he's able. I would handle him minimally until then.

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