I just set 42 TJs Fertile Eggs! >>>>>Final Count 32!!!!

I was just thinking the same thing!!
My desktop shut down again. I thought I had fixed that problem. And my laptop won't broadcast in HQ without weird lines in the video feed that I can't seem to fix.

My laptop is more reliable with the broadcast even though it is lower quality... so tomorrow morning I am going to broadcast with the laptop to ensure it will stay on... I won't turn it off intentionally so if it does quit on me, I will fix it as soon as I notice it or as soon as I am home from work.

4 pips now and peeping... I don't want to go to bed...

Someone wake me up if one hatches??

I hear cracking noises in the bator too. I think there might be more that pipped but I can't see it because it is on the "down side".

Why oh why do I have to work tomorrow?
Best of luck to ya! I see a couple eggs rocking around. It's late here...gotta get some shut eye. I'll be checking in the morning. My daughter would love to watch this...she's almost 2 and loves her chicks.


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