I keep getting told that I'm a bad parent.

I'm sure that hes in your eyesight though...that's different.
Me? lol Yeah. We have pretty flat ground so he could be anywhere and I'd still be able to see him. He gets pretty far away from me sometimes though. At his age I'm sure I'd be critisized for that.
I'm sure that hes in your eyesight though...that's different.:)

Me? lol Yeah. We have pretty flat ground so he could be anywhere and I'd still be able to see him. He gets pretty far away from me sometimes though. At his age I'm sure I'd be critisized for that.

Not by me! My kIds play on half an acre an I rarely can see them out back. I can, however, watch my 2 and 4 year olds walk down the street to a friends' house from our door or window, and said neighbor can see them home; not to mention texting each other when someone is on the way for a visit ;)
Knowing where your kids are at and what they are doing is not just for the young ones. We know and have taught our kids to tell us where they are going, when they will return, who they are going with and what they are gonna do. It amazes me how many parents do not do this and then wonder why their child gets in trouble or they ask them "why did you do that?" kids are not equipped with all this knowledge out of the womb.
I agree with oesdog. I grew up in London, but walked alone to school from the age of 7 and when I went to high school at 11 I travelled across London on the tubes and buses, everyone did in those days.
I also well remember Ian Brady and Myrha Hindley who killed children not far from my grandma's house in Manchester.

We also disappeared for the day into the local park to play taking some sandwiches and a bottle of cold tea. We came home in time for our tea, although none of us had a watch, we knew it was 'home time' because people were returning home from work. Before tea, we ran errands for elderly or housebound neighbours which often involved trekking off to distant shops.

We were taught to be sensible from a young age, and how to use public transport safely. When I started high school my dad came with me once to show me the way and then I was on my own. I never got lost, or in any trouble. I do recall though that children under 7 were still in those days considered to be 'nursery age' and were much more supervised.

I have brought up my own children with as much freedom as was safe at the various stages in their development and had no problems. I deplore the fact that so many youngsters these days are being ferried around in cars by their over anxious parents, what is wrong with walking?

Children who are too protected will either grow up afraid of their own shadows, or unaware of potential hazards. Either way, they are in danger.
I like that quote Can I steal it.

too many parents work so hard at protecting their children from the world that they don't teach their children how to live in it.
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I can point out Polly Klaas, Many others whose names slip my mind tonight. I COMPLETELY disagree with any child under the age of 12 going anywhere on their own!!

Polly Klaas was taken from her own bedroom during a sleepover birthday. Not only was she not alone at home but there were others in the same room. Get real sometimes people get hurt by crazies or accidents but in the real world there is always danger. As parents we should teach our children how to evaluate danger and the skills to protect themselves. I have 9 kids ( I am not an expert on your child but pretty close to being one with mine) I would allow my 7 y o son to go to the park with our dog alone. Really people his chances of drowning in a freak flash storm are the same as there being some weirdo at the park waiting to harm him. My almost 7 y o foster daughter...NO WAY! because I have observed her making small but poorly thought out decisions and she lacks the skills to sense danger and the self confidence to stick to her guns in somethings ie looking for a lost puppy or traveling with a stranger to the store or even who a stranger is. She was abused as a child and molested by a her sister's father because she was hurt by someone she trusted now she doesn't trust herself (her gut feeling) and she is so eager to please she will endanger herself.
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