i know this is not about chickens but what kind of bird egg is this?


10 Years
Jan 31, 2009

its the lil one i bought it but what kind is it?
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size wise it is small bantam like old dutch? serama? My old dutch eggs are lighter colored than that, almost white, so probably not old dutch
how do i hatch it?

i put it under a light bulb?

and when will it hatch?

oh and i also try to see through it with a flashlight

i cant see through it!

will it for sure hatch?
Looks like a button quail egg. You'll need a proper incubator to hatch it. There are people on BYC that have made them. I'm sure someone will post with directions on that. Enjoy!
yeah im very poor right now and i really want to hatch it!


in nature they dont have acubators

so how do quails hatch them

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