I lost a chick that was zipped.


11 Years
Apr 23, 2008
We had a chick that was zipped most of the day today and then all of a sudden he died. I didn't help him because last year we had a chick zipped for a while and I helped him. Well he had insides sticking out, bad legs and ended up getting a very crooked beak and died. Monday we had a chick that zipped and didn't hatch for 24 hours, I did not help him and he is fine. So when this chick zipped earlier I thought it was just taking long like the other one. I went down to check on him and he was dead.
Could the other chicks have killed him? I feel terrible, but after opening the egg up he did still have some insides or yolk sticking out.
I am so sorry for your loss!!!

Unfortunately this is not something you can prevent! Some chicks are just not ment to be. There are numerous reasons as to what could have happend. I helped out 2 chicks before and was forced to cull both after 5 days. I will NOT help another chick. I know it sounds harsh but it is easier for me to let nature take its course than to have to cull! I can cull adults or suffering adult animals or for food.... BUT a baby!!!!! I am a weenie! I know!!! We work so hard to give them every opertunity to hatch successfully but some times we just have to Let mother nature do her job. Nature knows who should survive and who is not strong enough to make it. Regardless of what we do nature will always win out! Not your fault!!!! Just enjoy the new Fuzzy Butts and let nature take its course. It all we can do!

Good Luck and God Bless!
There are reasons, but we just don't know what they are. You didn't do anything wrong and you were right to let it hatch on it's own. Sometimes you can help by intervening, but typically we either do more harm than good...or we find they had a deformity of some sort.

So sorry....I've had it happen and I know how you feel....

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