I lost another one...


8 Years
May 17, 2011
This morning I lost a baby chick, dont know what happened but I think it got too cold. On the 8th my beautiful baby cat Yuki was ran over. A month ago my cornish X, Biscuits died of overheating (hit 113* that day) A few months ago my first duck, Howard, died when she got her neck caught up in a torn tarp. A month before that I lost another cornish X, Eggs, I think it was unhealthy when I bought it. In the past 3 years I have lost a total of 6 chickens (including the silkie, Biscuits and Eggs). The others were lost to a possum, ran over by a car, and my dog accidently killed one when we first brought them home. I had a baby duckling that died at about a week old but I also think it was sick when I bought it - it wobbled when it walked and this was when I was new with them so I didnt know what to do. My Bearded dragon died last summer because of heat - I had him outside while I was tending chickens... came back and he was gone - this one I take blame for completely (I should have checked him sooner). I once fostered 5 puppies that one of them got sick and died. (They had no mom - she had to be put down). Ive lost plenty of fish (They were years old but so what... they still had years to go) A year ago I also lost my cat Kyo to a car (on the same road that Yuki got hit). Now I do have alot of animals, and I have actually saved alot of animals... but I also seem to have a curse over here...

The baby bird this morning was like a last straw... Now I cant stop crying because... see... Im almost 26 weeks pregnant. I have wanted this for about 3 years or more. My husband and I had even been trying. I had problems getting pregnant. And now that I am all I am thinking now after seeing this baby chicken die this morning is... What if I am cursed?! What if I lose this child? I dont think I can stand the thought of that... Im completely frightened and freaked out. I love all my babies but this is a whole 'nother thing... This is my flesh, my blood, my gift from God and to him...

I dont know I dont really expect anyone to say anything I just really needed to get that out.
Just because those animals died, donlt think you are cursed. Things happen. Don't even think bad thoughts about your baby. I'm sure you will be an exceptional mother. You and your husband should be very happy. Animals die every day without anyone knowing how or why and other things cannot be helped. When you feel like venting or just airing things out, this website is full of people I would consider friends even though I've never met anyone.
Good luck and congrats
Sorry about all of your pets. Being pregnant is a scary thing but it's ok to be scared. It makes everything feel so much worse but things are going to be alright. The only thing worry does is make you worry more. Think off all the good that comes with a baby, the crying, pooping, spitting up, staying awake when they should sleep (
) Smile just a bit and it will make you feel much better about the baby. Congratulations to you and your husband
Thank you
I had a friend talk to me and help me feel better. I know there are lots of things beyond my control. I just feel too deeply about the loss of life. And I was just a little scared. Thanks guys for making me feel better too. I guess this is truly a first step towards parenthood... eternal worry and paranoia LOL

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