I lost my flock :(


7 Years
Nov 22, 2016
Mondovì, Italia
last night a beast killed all my chickens :(
The only safe is Dora because she was sick and it was a week she was in my house in a dog kennel.
They were sweet hens and i loved all them so much.
It is very sad :(
Sorry to hear of your loss, I would try to find Dora a new friend around her age, especially if she is young. She will get lonely if she is an only hen. Good luck with rebuilding your flock. I hope you find out how this happened so you can secure your flock better. :hugs
That’s terrible. Sorry for your loss. I lost my Silkies the same way. I searched for them for two weeks hoping I would find some alive.
My heart goes out to you and Dora! ❤ I've had a few tragic ending happen in my flock, so I wish you luck on finding out who this beast was!

--- CiscoChickens

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