I LOVE Chickens!

I am new to chickens. I have 5 precious 6 week old chicks. 2 Easter Eggers and 3 Polish/Silkies. I just moved them to their amazing coop/run and they are loving it. I have a ton of questions and I'm so happy to have found this forum on the internet. Thanks for having me!
WELCOME TO BYC!! :welcome

~It’s great to have you join our wonderful community~ :frow:wee

Here’s a link to to help you find your state’s thread! •https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/find-your-states-thread.270925/

Here’s a link to the learning center, here you will find articles & etc -Learning Center | BackYard ChickensBackYard Chickens › Articles- :celebrate

BYC is the BEST website for information on poultry or just to share pics and stories of your own flock!! :ya

I hope you enjoy your time here on BYC!

Feel free to join my thread! https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/come-watch-my-flock-grow.1265014/ :plbb

~Kayla’s Chickens~
BYC Welcome 6.jpg

Make yourself at home here, thanks for joining us!

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