I Need Advice For Selling Eggs/Poultry In PA.... Need Some Help!

The maximum 45 degree is to prevent bacteria because you are forced to wash the bloom if selling eggs. It's typical uneducated bureaucratic bull. These parameters are set for commercial egg sales where they wash and disinfect all eggs therefore they must be immediately stored in a cold climate. The bureaucrat doesn't know the bloom protects the eggs and there is greater potential of contamination through improper washing techniques.

My state adds this garbage to NPIP certification. They tell me what I can and can't do with the eggs even though NPIP has nothing to do with that. Personally, I tell them they have no right to tell me what I can do other than maintaining a closed flock. To top it off they sent me a letter a few years back when there was a shortage of pullorum tests that since I could not be tested I was not allowed to sell eggs. Ludicrous! NPIP certification is for interstate travel of hatching eggs and birds not selling eating eggs to my neighbors.

The legitimate labeling requirement is All foods must have a physical place of origin on the label. This of course makes sense as any food has the potential of causing harm and if a case of poisoning occurs there is a physical place to contact to stop sales immediately and use their sales contacts to notify those who have recently purchased. Used cartons can be reused but all labeling must be blocked out with black (fat black marker) and you may not label egg size or grade as you are not certified to do so. That's basic country wide food laws.
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Idk in your state, but to sell eggs for consumption here in CA you have to have to be a registered, certified egg handler and the labeling is specific: egg size and grade, date processed, address where processed, etc. - all in a certain sized font. They must be washed in one of several approved ways. Lots of specifics. I strongly advise searching for more specific info for your state. Im sure it's out there

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