i need breed and gender on these guys!!

mom wewantchicks!

11 Years
Apr 23, 2008
i bought these chicks from the mixed pullet bin,when they where on sale for a dollar! i emailed mchealthy (i think thats what it was!) and there quess was black gaint or austrolop for the black chicks,and andalusian or hamburg for the grayish ones. i think that black gaint is what i have with the black chicks,they have yellow feet,and the gray im not sure!! they are about 10-12 weeks old and up until last week i was sure i had all pullets. but i think i heard a weird crow coming from the pen in the past few days. and one of the gray chicks has just barely started to get a bit of a wattle!! i do not need any more roos and my dd is upset because it seems all her chicks turn out to be roos!! im hoping someone will shed some light on these chicks for us!!
this is the gray chick with the small wattle


here is one of the black chicks,they are almost identical


This is an uneducated guess, but the first one reminds me of a Sumatra. The black on its hard to tell cause it doesn't really have a comb. I think the blue one is a male. And the tail on the black one looks really suspicious of a male too...
i was told in another post (with my silkies) that the black one looked like a sumatra,but i read they have black skin. these guys (girls,girls,girls LOL!) have yellow on there feet?
I agree on the blue, i think the black one maybe a sumatra too, judging by how far the comb area goes back on it's head it'd be a walnut, pea, or maybe rosecomb.. And it doesn't have a production body, looks kinda like it'd be a sumatra too..
mom,wewantchicks! :

i was told in another post (with my silkies) that the black one looked like a sumatra,but i read they have black skin. these guys (girls,girls,girls LOL!) have yellow on there feet?

Sumatras are supposed to have yellow pads (bottom of foot), and black skin.. But that's just for show, they can come red skinned or solid black feet.​

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