I need egg help.... please!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 2, 2007
salt lake city, Ut
Last week I got my first egg out of... I assumed it was my barred rock, Spot, even though she is only 17 weeks old. Then, no eggs for a full week. Today, yipee, another egg, but it's a different color. They're both brown but one is dark and one is light. Does that mean I have a second chicken laying eggs or can one chicken lay multiple colors? I have a barred rock, sexlink, RIR and another that looks just like the RIR but lighter in color with a little white. (I'm assuming it's a Golden Comet) and two Americana's. The barred rock was about a week old when I brought them home and the others were only a day or two old. I wasn't expecting eggs for another two weeks at least. I just don't think my girls are old enough. Also the second egg seems to have a soft spot? First egg jitters or am I not giving them enough calcium? I grow wheat grass in their yard with welded wire over it so as the wheat grass grows the chickens can eat it at will. They also have access to the oyster shell but you know us moms. We will always worry. Help me! I need opinions. Please respond! Thanks in advance!
Different shades of brown are normal...and not getting an egg for a week, well, thats normal as well, with new layers. They are just trying to get it all in order. LOL If possible, get them some egg shells....dry, and crushed...they will go NUTS over them. Its great to help with those "soft spots' as well.

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