I need help IDing these Roosters


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 5, 2013
They came as warmth from my spring order from Ideal Poultry. There we're 8 of them lost 1 at day 4 and 5 at 3 months. We kinda got attached to these 2 and are keeping them from the freezer. We originally thought they where Silver Laced Wyandottes but as you can see 1 has a straight comb and the other has a rose comb. Other than just a little size difference they are identical. Here are some pictures see if anyone can ID them!

Does the single combed one have the lacing on his chest? Can't really tell from the pictures. Hatchery birds don't always meet the standard on the fine points, like comb type, so you could just have a SLW with a single comb.

Here is both of them again. They don't ever want to cooperate when I try to take pics. The one with the rose comb has a lot more and brighter specs on his chest. The one with single comb has about the same they're just not as big. Whats the chances that they are related? We are keeping them and plan on giving them both a set of girls but they don't like being separated so they just run around the yard with the18 Rock hens and stay away from our Partridge Rock Roo.
Thanks for all the help. They both have long lifes planned for them they are tame and like all of my chickens have funny personalities. They just like being with each other. Not sure cause they where raised together or cause they we're the only 2 that survived the raid. Had all of them penned together and something killed all the others. Still working on what exactly happened. All the chickens where out and something got in this one pen and just killed the others and left them there.

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