I need help!! Watching!! or Mental???


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 21, 2007
Vilonia, Arkansas
I need help watching these eggs....I am watching to see if they are hatching....and my house so needs to be cleaned......so I thought if I took a picture I could get you all to watch.....and I could clean!! heheeheh

2 have already hatched...so far I dont see no more pips cracks or wiggles.....but never know!! There are 10 more due to hatch today!!


I have Girl Scouts all week and don't have a lot of time to clean......thought since you were all in the mood, maybe you'd like to come clean for me???? pwetty pwease??? maybe???
Awwww, Chicken-mamma....im sorry...I didnt see your post in time... (
) I had to potty....then got sidetracked...saw the laundry, brought it down to the laundry room, where I noticed the family room needed vacumed...got that done, and the dogs wanted out....when letting them out, I saw Shadow( my duck) and realised he needed corn...so went out to feed him....then heard the free range chickens and roos...and remembered I needed to get eggs....on the way back, saw that the garden needed water....well....you know how it goes. I just plaing got busy! LOL
TOOOOO funny! That's pretty much exactly why my house doesn't get cleaned like it should. I'm always "working on it" which means, I start one thing, and 15 things later, I haven't finished any of them. So glad it's not just me!! LOL

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