I need help with a stray female cat who found my home


8 Years
May 22, 2011
Okay about I wanna say Nov of this past year I discovered a stray cat who turns out was EATING!! my outside cats food so he lost quite a bit of weight from lack of eating and He has just finally started gaining some weight back cause before it took two hands to lift him and I was picking him up with one hand so I have to use two hands again ^_^ He's not overweight hes just solid ^_^

So I have tried using a trap but she just refuses to go into it,Tried slapping a fishing net over her but shes too fast for me so finally I have tried to warm up to her so I have started sitting outside with my cat and feeding both of them and I have been watching her.

She will rub up against my cat but of course he hates her so he will hiss and slap her so She likes him for some reason,He's been fixed though so he can't do anything with her Thankfully!! But I think I have found a bigger issue than just her now....I think she is pregnant...Cause she has one FAT belly,So if shes not pregnant shes just gotten fat from eating his food because I have to watch to make sure he eats his food now.And when she eats she eats really really quickly and she will only eat on the side that my cat is eating on,She won't eat alone so shes a smart cat,But I think finally once she sees I'm not after her anymore I will finally be able to grab her and put her into a cat crate.

That's my next project to see If I can lure her into a cat crate with some food,Because It should have my outside cats smell all inside of it.Because I can't have her having a litter of kittens here I can't afford to take care of them. So does anyone have anything that could help me catch her so I can have animal control come pick her up?
I can't help wit catching her but around here we have to where u bring a wild cat to the animals shelter there fix it for free if u wanna let it go back where u caught it at I got a few fixed that we caught at our house n let then go after
Ooh this is interesting! I have caught quite a few feral cats(adults & kittens) so what I would do is starve them all out for about day so they will all be very eager to eat so then put the food in a big dog carrier with a blanket over it (to cover the holes so she can't see you coming) obviously she will be very cautious & will wait until your cat goes in first that's why you can't feed him for a day too then let them both go in (this whole time you have been about 15 feet or so back try & get as close as possible without scaring her)then when they both are in the carrier you better just be lucky because cats can run up to 30 mph & have very good hearing so you then slowly creep up and shut that door as quickly as possible & if you are lucky you will get her the first time if not she will be very cautious and less likely to trust you the next time.I wish you luck!
Bring them both inside in a closed small room let them both out take your cat put him back outside and then well good luck with putting her back in my method safe so yeah I just put on a sweater and grab the back of their neck so they can't get away and hold their butt while then shoving them back into the carrier.
Or wrapping them in a towel is good to.Either way dealing with this cat is unsafe since its feral or if you want you could take them both to the vet and explain the situation and they will give your cat back.That way you won't have to take either one of them out of the carrier.

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