I need help with my decision....please!


10 Years
Mar 21, 2009
Wet Argyll, Scotland
I just can't make up my mind. Here is the story....I had 11 hens and a Roo in my coop, then Constance my Silkie decided to go broody, so i tried chucking her out the box for a few days but she was having none of it. So I did what i had to to do and gave her 4 eggs to sit on

Anyway all was fine for a few days until i realised that at night Meg the Marans was getting in beside her and poor Constance had to move over which I didn't think was very good. So, I moved her into a nice wee room of her own, on her own and she is doing great and is very clever seen as its her first broodiness!

The problem is though, I am getting a silkie Roo in the next week or so and I have 1 more silkie, Wee Mo and they are going to live in the new Silkie Coop along with Constance. Do I put Constance and her bed in the new coop (I doubt very much she is going to reject the new place and leave her eggs, so thats not the problem) so that when Wee Mo and John Boy the Ruffian (Roo) move in she is already there??? Or do I leave her where she is until the chicks are hatched and move her in with the babies??
Will John Boy mind a new girl and babies moving into his hutch or is it better for Constance to be in there first???
I would appreciate your opinions thanks!!
i wouldnt put any strange birds in with her or her in with them while she is setting. they may bother her so much she'll leave the nest. if she's fine where she is leave her alone.
If you move her and the chicks once they hatch in with the new birds, the older birds will boss around the little ones, unless you plan on brooding them yourself?
Thanks everyone. No I don't plan on brooding them myself, thats why i put the eggs under her lol! Thats the reason I was asking about her being in the coop first. I think you are right though in leaving her where she is, will just have to deal with the problem of moving them to new coop and new friends when the time comes!!! I have a wee Arc run i can put in the big run for the first few days of introducing so that they get used to each other for a few days before they have to sleep together!!

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