I need help...


Feb 3, 2022
Hello BYC. I have a problem...

I’ve had this hen who seemed a little “sick” for a while. She’s had a really pasty butt, and seemed to be getting picked on by the others. At first I wasn’t too worried about it, but today she started collapsing and sitting in an odd way. I think it might be egg binding, but I don’t know for sure. Can I get some help? Thank y’all!!

Edit: she also has a very pasty butt so I rinsed it off under some warm water

Update: she is drinking water and pooping pretty well now. No egg yet though. I also put some calcium in her water.


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She appears to be standing vertical, correct? How long has she been standing like that?

As far as egg bound, the thing that always worked for me is to set the hen out in the sun.
Is she pooping at all?

I would get some calcium into her. You can give her 1 TUMS or 1 Caltrate tablet now, then one once a day for a few days.
See that she's drinking.

I would suspect that she's having a hard time passing an egg.
Read the article below for more tips on treating her.

She is pooping often. She is also drinking. I can go ahead and giver her a TUMS and see what happens. Thank you!
How old is she, and does she normally lay eggs? I would give the calcium with vitamin D3 for a few days. Hopefully that will help. She might have a reproductive problem, such as salpingitis that has caused internal laying. The upright posture is common with those problems. What does her usual droppings look like? Is she eating and drinking?
How old is she, and does she normally lay eggs? I would give the calcium with vitamin D3 for a few days. Hopefully that will help. She might have a reproductive problem, such as salpingitis that has caused internal laying. The upright posture is common with those problems. What does her usual droppings look like? Is she eating and drinking?
She is about 2 years old and still lays pretty well. I’ve given her some calcium in her water already. Her droppings are pretty wet and smell especially bad. She is eating and drinking.
Have you felt her belly, because you can feel a bound egg.
Smelly poop sounds more like an infection, which can affect the egg factory aka no egg/egg with soft shell/inflammation that is painful.

infrared light does help to relax the muscles and release a bound egg. Do you have a heat lamp you can offer to the hen?
Same reason why sun light helps, because it also has infrared rays.

Coccis can also cause smelly, runny poop, having trouble laying and...like, the hen not being able to walk properly/falling over/not being able to stand.
Can you post some better pictures of the poop, and maybe also get the hen checked for coccis?

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