I need help.....


12 Years
Mar 1, 2008
Texas Gulf Coast
Do you ever go through those times when you just can't think of anything to cook? I'm having one of those weeks I'm just so tired of our same old things I want something new.

What can I do with a pound of ground beef?
You have always been my insperation.I cook for a living so I can relate.
Dont forget hamburger gravy,stuffed peppers,or chilimac.
sloppy joes
beef enchiladas
spaghetti and meat sauce
beef veggie soup

Love your avitar pic !

Thanks but those foods are most of the usual things that I'm tired of LOL....

The avitar pic are my three precious babies.... My youngest daughter and my two mastiffs. Actually they are mastiff mixes but everyone just assumes they're mastiffs because of their size.

As for the ground beef I'm kinda hungry for something Asian, does anyone have a recipe that uses ground beef that has an Asian flavor to it?
Occationally, I will make an asian beef stir-fry that is pretty basic. I think it was originally from the Taste Of Home magazine from years ago. I have just been winging it when I make it now.

I think it was this recipe that started me on it: http://www.tasteofhome.com/Recipes/Asian-Beef-and-Noodles
but I found it bland so I started to tweek it. Now it goes something like this:

I brown the ground beef, then put it on papertowel to drain. In the pan I saute up onions, garlic, celery and carrot in olive oil, then when those are almost done I toss in some diced broccoli, snow peas, zuchinni or aspargus - whatever I have on hand really. Add probably about 2 Tablespoons of soy sauce, a teaspoon of Chinese 5 Spice and 1/4 teaspooon of ginger powder. Probably add granulated garlic because I can never have enough garlic! Stir the beef back into the mix, then cover and simmer until broccoli is as done as you want it. I will then dissolve a tablespoon of cornstarch in a 1/4 cup of cold water and drizzle that in until I have the sauce thickened to the point I like - thick enough to coat the veg but still thin enough to puddle on the plate.

If you don't have 5 Spice, I think it is garlic powder, anise, ginger, cinnamon and cloves. But the secret to good stirfry is a touch of cinnamon.
Occationally, I will make an asian beef stir-fry that is pretty basic. I think it was originally from the Taste Of Home magazine from years ago. I have just been winging it when I make it now.

I think it was this recipe that started me on it: http://www.tasteofhome.com/Recipes/Asian-Beef-and-Noodles
but I found it bland so I started to tweek it. Now it goes something like this:

I brown the ground beef, then put it on papertowel to drain. In the pan I saute up onions, garlic, celery and carrot in olive oil, then when those are almost done I toss in some diced broccoli, snow peas, zuchinni or aspargus - whatever I have on hand really. Add probably about 2 Tablespoons of soy sauce, a teaspoon of Chinese 5 Spice and 1/4 teaspooon of ginger powder. Probably add granulated garlic because I can never have enough garlic! Stir the beef back into the mix, then cover and simmer until broccoli is as done as you want it. I will then dissolve a tablespoon of cornstarch in a 1/4 cup of cold water and drizzle that in until I have the sauce thickened to the point I like - thick enough to coat the veg but still thin enough to puddle on the plate.

If you don't have 5 Spice, I think it is garlic powder, anise, ginger, cinnamon and cloves. But the secret to good stirfry is a touch of cinnamon.
Thanks for the link, that looks great. We LOVE Ramen noodles so this should be a good recipe for us.


So what did you have?
Actually I stuck the ground beef in the freezer. LOL

Wednesday...the night I started this thread nothing sounded good so I made a couple of loaves of bread and we had tuna sandwiches with fries. Last night we had red beans and rice with cornbread. I'm making Pizza tonight because I'm going to a baby shower on Sat and I have to drive into Houston to go to the shower. It's a two hour drive so I'll be gone all day. I will make 3 Pizzas so there will be leftover Pizza for the guys to reheat.

So I guess it will be Sunday before I get to use my ground beef LOL and I plan to make the stir-fry with the Ramen noodles.....
Here is an unusual hamburger recipe that I got from my husband's family. You can use it the next time you need one. It is weird with all the different things, but it really grows on you. And it always tastes better the next day, so you have to make lots. We only call it "casserole" This recipe was created when they were broke and went through the cupboards to see what they had.

Egg noodles, cooked
creamed corn
hamburger, cooked
canned, whole tomatoes, w/juice

Use whatever amounts you like. We LOVE mushrooms in everything, so 3-4 cans. At least 2 cans corn, break the tomatoes. I use a greased 9X13 pan. Mix everything and dump it in. Cover with foil and bake til hot. Remove foil and cover with sliced cheese (we use american) Yummy!
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