I need help!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 10, 2014
This is the first time I've raised chickens so I don't know much about their illnesses :/ one of my 4 month old Rhode Island Reds started acting a little strange yesterday, I noticed her just standing or laying over in the same spot for a long time and she wasn't really interested in any food I put in there for them. I took her out and got her to drink some water and she ate some oatmeal but she still acted a little slow. I noticed she also has kind of white, mucousy, watery poop and she only poops a little bit at a time. She seemed to be fine this morning and jumped right out of the crate I put her in and walked around so I put her outside, but when I went back out to check on her I noticed her laying and sleeping by herself again. She seems skinnier too. Sorry this is kind of a long post but I'm so worried and I don't want to lose her!
This is what her poop looks like
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I know one of the most common illnesses in young chickens is Cocci...I would also google that. If the symptoms fit, Corid is inexpensive and easy to give treatment via their water. However, I wouldnt do that unless the symptoms really match (dont want to give unnecessary medicine that they can build up immunity to) Keep us posted?
Thanks! I googled it and she seems like she might have a few symptoms but not all of them, if she's doing worse and more symptoms show up tomorrow I will try to find some Corid. She actually looks like she's feeling a little better now, she ate and drank a good amount and I didn't have to make her :) I've been babying her all day and she's acting more normal now but she still just wants to rest a lot
Falling asleep on some comfy blankets :) she doesn't act droopy, she still holds her head up and doesn't flop over on her side or anything. She's alert and will wake up and look when she hears a noise, it just seems like it's hard for her not to sleep
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Awww what a doll!
One of the first signs I had with a chick that had Cocci was she was walking like she was drunk; stumbling around. Another common sign is blood in the poop. However, her poop looks more like she wasn't eating enough. Scrambled eggs, cheese, yogurt are all good soft foods to get her appetite back.
Corid can be found at Fleet Farm or Farm and Fleet if you have those around? Otherwise a co op or feed store should have it.
I have had this to three of my hens and all died even with treatment. they normally went 24 hours until the died. what happened with mine was mites were in one coop(the only ones I had chickens in at the time) and one of my hens died . I filled two coops next to it and the mites spread to those and two more died. A week later it started again but this time I sprayed my coops done with parasite killers and also dipped all my chickens in it and behold she was cured. mites can spread harmful diseases that will drop chickens. If you have any questions go to The Clucker Club thread to talk with me. keep talking chicken
Ok Angiebubs I will watch for those symptoms but so far I haven't seen any blood in her poop and she walks strait just kind of slow. I think you're right about her not eating enough, I keep food out for them day and night but maybe she just had a loss of appetite or doesn't like the food all that much
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Oh no GOLDENSEABRIGHT that's horrible :/ what kind of mites were they? How did you find out? I checked her for mites and I didn't see any signs of them. I checked the other chickens too and didn't see anything. I'm definitely going to disinfect the coop now and use some parasite spray though just in case. I don't want to take any chances!

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