I need prayers and thoughts please. Sad update post 25

Harley's girl :

Dear Lord, right now I am praying for Krysstyllanthrox and her unborn baby, please be with them Lord. Her ease her pain, her soul, and mind. Be with the baby Lord, help this baby stay put til it is time fir him/her to be born. Help this family God. I thank you in advance for answered prayers. And for the power of prayer. In Jesus name.

Prayers going out for you and your precious baby.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. In the end, I miscarried on Tuesday night.

It hurts, a lot, but Hubs and I are already doing better and looking to the future.

As a memorial to our lost babe, I'll be knitting myself a wrap (Clapotis, if you're curious) out of a yarn that is called Bittersweet...because this is.
My heart goes out to you... don't give up hope. God has not forgotten you! He gives us trials to help us grow. He loves you and he knows you can get through this. How wonderful it is to have a husband for comfort and love in difficult times. My most tender thoughts, prayers, and wishes are for you at this time!
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I'm soo very sorry you're going through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband.

If you'd ever like to talk someone who's been there please feel free to pm me.


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