I need some ideas for homemade Christmas gifts


I'm a week late getting this little guy made, but here he is. All of the stuff used to make him was stuff I had on hand with the exception of the yarn. I didn't have any Christmas color yarn, so I had to head to Hobby Lobby. You can skip the hat, and use old strips of homespun fabric for the scarf too, and they are adorable. If you are really creative, and want to do some small ones, stick them down in a ball mason jar, throw in a clip or two of garland, add a candle holder that will not fall through the jar opening, tie some fabric around the top, and you end up with a really cute little homestyle candleholder. I'm going to do some of those next. I was thinking about painting some pinecones into Christmas trees to put in there too. We'll see though, I don't know if they will fit in there together...

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