I need the truth about chicken noise - ASAP


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 1, 2009
I know you are all chicken lovers, but I need the truth. We want to start a small flock -- 3 hens are allowed here in our city.

We tried to be nice and notified our neighbor about our plans. (The neighbor, by the way, has the noisiest dog on the block -- he regularly wakes us up between 5 ad 6 a.m. For 7 years we have politely tolerated her irritating dog.)

She is very VERY unhappy. She thinks the dog with be irritated by the presence of the hens, and that they'll be very noisy. She thinks her dog will be even louder and barkier due to the hen activity in our yard.

We plan to have a coop near her fence, but not immediately adjacent. It will be a solidly built coop, and the run will be at least 8 -10 feet away from the fence. Due to many local raccoons, the hens will almost always be confined to the coop and run.

So, I need to know:
How loud are hens? Loud enough to bug a next door neighbor?
Have any of you had trouble with neighbor dogs spazzing out about your hens?

She will not be placated by the offer of free, fresh eggs.
We want to finish this project next week, if possible. BUT, if the truth is that hens are noisy and aggravate nearby dogs, I may have to put in a greenhouse instead.

I eagerly await your kind replies.
My girls are still small yet (I think 16 - 17 weeks), so I'm not sure about noise - but I can tell you that two of my neighbors have dogs that run loose, and none of their dogs have tried coming into my yard to go after chickens.

I would say if its legal - go for it!
We have 8 hens and a rooster. He, of course, crows. The hens cluck, coo, wheeze, chuckle, and when alarmed, honk! They make the most noise (clucks and coos mostly) when we walk out to visit them and bring treats. Our neighbors have a chihuahua and he trots by them with barely a glance and they're used to him too. In my opinion, if you are allowed to have hens, have them and enjoy them!
Some hens are louder than others- especially when they've just laid an egg. But if you're legal, it really doesn't matter what your neighbor's issue is. All you can do is try to be polite about it but if they want to be jerks, that's their problem. It's your property.

I don't think you'll have an issue with noise with three hens. I have 22 and my neighbors barely ever hear them at all. If you're worried about early mornings, just keep the girls cooped up until a decent hour- as long as they have food and water, they'll be fine. And it gives them time to lay in the nesting boxes. I really think you'll be fine.
Yes they can be a little loud, enough to bother a neighbor. Not nearly as loud as a barking dog. And it usually doesn't last long. Biggest problem is summer when it's light out so early. None of my neighbors dogs care much about the chickens. The one next door ignores them, except to occasionally run at the fence to see them run away.
Go for it.

You've already been more than considerate to ask your neighbor if she minds - she obviously doesn't care that her dog bothers you - so dont let her stop you. Depending on the type of dog, the only thing i would be worried about is that the thing tries to get into your yard. Id say that if the Law says you can - Go For It! She'll never hear them
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We tried to be nice and notified our neighbor about our plans. (The neighbor, by the way, has the noisiest dog on the block -- he regularly wakes us up between 5 and 6 a.m. For 7 years we have politely tolerated her irritating dog.)

She is very VERY unhappy. She thinks the dog with be irritated by the presence of the hens, and that they'll be very noisy. She thinks her dog will be even louder and barkier due to the hen activity in our yard.

It may. Dogs have an innate prey instinct when it comes to chickens. It would not be a surprise to see the dog change for the worst when your chickens come on board.

How loud are hens?
Loud enough to bug a next door neighbor?

Probably yes, and no. The fact that she knows they are there will key her up to their presence. They are not loud compared to a barking beasty hound, but once you have them - she is going to be looking for anything to harp about.

Have any of you had trouble with neighbor dogs spazzing out about your hens?

As I said, chickens can change a dogs demeanor, especially one that is not under your influence. That heathen hound will smell them chickens, and wont be happy till it gets one. Fences may be torn up, flower beds trashed and who knows what else. Will all this happen to you? I don't know. I hope not, but it does happen.
BYC is full of posts about neighbor dogs turned killer.

She will not be placated by the offer of free, fresh eggs.
We want to finish this project next week, if possible. BUT, if the truth is that hens are noisy and aggravate nearby dogs, I may have to put in a greenhouse instead.

I eagerly await your kind replies.

Neighbors like that are difficult. You have the right to pursue your happiness on your property. You are within the law. And you are trying to be considerate. SO you must go ahead and not let her diminish your peace or prosperity. She is just a loud mouth sourpuss after all.
But, you may also need to be prepared to deal with her through the law, if that dog gets your chickens. Get your stuff together before that day comes. AS they say,

"Si vis pacem, para bellum." (If you would have peace, prepare for war.)​
I wonder if it would be worth it to start out with just a small tractor, rather than dropping the money for a coop/run. Sort of a trial run with her dog...

Then, if all goes well, we could sell the tractor and buy the coop/run we have our eye on. If she just couldn't tolerate the chickens, I do know someone with a farm who would take them. I just don't need her nagging me about every little peep the chickens make.

Although, it just gets me that her dog is so unbelievably loud, and she's worried about 3 hens...

We also have a spot on the other side of the yard where it would be possible to put a coop. It would take quite a bit of work to level it out, though, and the spot near her is all ready to go...

Have any of you 'won over' a reluctant neighbor?
Not me. I light fireworks in front of the house every evening, until they call the cops. The cops tell us both it is legal to light fireworks until 9pm, and leave.
Next evening, same thing. Next, same. And the next...

Eventually, they leave it alone and I leave them alone.
The system can work in your favor, if you work it.
Some people just don't know how to compromise. You have put up with her dog making noise for 7 years. Now it's your turn to do what you want. If she thinks her dog will get louder if you get some hens, why doesn't she do something about training him, keeping him in the house, etc? I would gently but firmly remind her of the fact that you have a right to enjoy your own property as you wish.

No way do a few hens come anywhere near making the noise of even one barking dog.

Be sure your coop is SUPER SECURE against dogs, this one and all others. Don't depend on your yard fence for security.

Good luck!


PS My neighbor has yappy dogs, and I will not worry about the noise if and when I add a rooster to my flock. She can't say a word. She knows she doesn't have a leg to stand on.
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