I need to share this.

Little One

8 Years
Oct 9, 2011
SE Virginia
Sorry, this is going to be sad, but I need some virtual hugs
right now. My 8 month old EE named Pheasant passed away this morning.
About a month ago, she started to develop balance issues and problems walking and I separated her from the rest of the flock when they started beating her up and pulling feathers. It slowly got worse, to the point that she could not stand or lay upright, but still ate and drank. She still started to get thin. I knew it was finally time to end her suffering and that my hopes of her recovering were not to happen after just a few days ago, she appeared to have trouble breathing. Keeping her beak open and gulping with every breath. Today, I was resolved to end her suffering this afternoon, with the help of my dad. Pheasant had other plans... she was just found dead, somehow pushed herself out of the nest of hay I made to hold her upright, laying on her side and her head in her waterer. The red plastic base screw on kind. She had drowned, unable to lift her head out of the water or push herself out. I hope it was not painful or scary for her to die that way. My eyes are watering as I write this even now. I still don't know what made her so weak and sick. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

About 5 months old. She was still healthy then.

One month ago. Shortly before she became immobile. She was so pretty, but she never laid an egg. I would have loved to see what colors hers would have been.
I am so sorry to hear about pheasant

She was a beautiful hen and was lucky to have you as her keeper.

Don't blame yourself, things happen that sometimes we have no control over. Just rest assured
that she is no longer suffering and is now waiting at Rainbow Bridge.
I'm so sorry. me and my family send virtual hugs to you. people that don't understand say "it's just a chicken" but they just don't understand.

as a community we are here for you, even if we don't know you in person!
I extend my sympathies. I know what it's like to lose a bird, and it's not at all pleasant. Especially when that bird is sweet-natured.

I wish I could say what claimed your Pheasant. I lost a chick to immobility, but I believe it had to do with shipping stress. Still, it's no good way for any creature to die

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