i really need help with deciding wich chickens i should get


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 31, 2007
i want a chicken that i no will not die through the winter does anyone no a type that will not die
all breeds of chickens will die.it could be from sickness varments accadents dogs.but you build a henhouse an run to keep them in.you do all tiy can to keep your birds safe.i have 5 hens that are 5yrs old.
There are several winter hardy chickens - to name a few Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Black Austrolops, and even the Americana's seem to do fine in colder climates. I live in Michigan and those are the chickens I ended up with after much research. My chicks are almost 4 weeks old, very healthy, and I didn't loose a one.
ucheeco, It's important to know what part of the country you live in. If you could update your profile, so it lists the state you live in, it's easier when people try to answer your questions and help, the answer will vary depending on where you live.

Cold weather breeds need smaller comb size, like pea comb, rose comb, walnut comb, strawbeery comb, for example.

Single comb breeds will have a good chance of frostbite, which is very painful and can get really bad in areas that have sub-zero temps in winter.

thanks everyone!!!!!

i looked at the rode island red, i really like them
australorp chickens r the way 2 go.. hardy and lay great eggs and a lot of them 4 that matter

actulally rhode island redsr good.. so r bon browns i have 2 of those and BOY>> THEY R HARDY
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all chcikens could die over the winter, but if you want them to be "cuddly" i suggest bantams, you can get them at the mcmurray hatchery, you can get them now and they should be fully feathered by winter,, goodluck with your chicks

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