I say go for it...


Mar 13, 2017
Hudson Valley NY
I have a brooder with 3 porcelain d'uccle bantams and 3 buff orpington bantams that are about 3 weeks old. In another brooder (tote) I have 11 cochin barnyard color mixs and 7 bearded silkie chicks... the silkies are only about 4 days old and the cochins are a little over a week and a half. My thought is this... in the tote it's going to get over crowded real quick in the brooder there is a ton of space... I'm thinking of putting the cochin barnyard mixes in with the 3 weekers.... I put the BO in with the PD when there was a week difference and nothing bad happened so I'm thinking if I put the Cochins in they should be fine.... there is plenty of space to get away from the bigger birds so I don't think they will get squished and the 3 weekers have already dealt with being introduced to new birds and even ducks for about 2 weeks. What do yall think would this be a stupid decision or should I go for it. The silkies I'm going to keep separate as they will eventually be breeder birds
It's worth a try. I wouldn't just toss them together like a spring salad and walk away, and I'm sure you plan on monitoring things until you're satisfied there's no conflict.

Tiny new chicks have surprised before by being particularly assertive, do you never know how things will turn out until you try it.
oh I will definitely be playing ref, they're all bantams so they are feisty but I think it would be good to let them run around in my big brooder

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