I set the timer on extra light in the coop today... anyone else?

I'm not going to, I have four broody, three of them perpetually broody - and almost everyone else in molt.

It looks like it's snowing feathers over here.

Went form 12-14 eggs down to 5-7... *sigh* just when I have very loyal egg buyers.

Don't think it matter much with that many out of lay already.
I've been thinking about it! I need to find my timer.... do you start yours in the morning, what time? I was thinking about 5am.
I put out a light and timer last week. It was going off about 5:30 am, I adjusted it a little, and was a little too much as it's going off now around 4am...I might steal my husband's digital timer.
My girls haven't started molting, but my egg production is waaaay down. I mean like5-6 eggs from my 8 girls to 2-3. No feathers yet from my girl but my roo is ridiculously homely right now!
Mine seem to be starting up from their molts and this year's chicks are starting to lay. I set mine for on at 3 a.m. off at 7 a.m. Last year I had the light come on at 4 and have decided that in Nov, Dec, Jan that was not enough light. I've read they need at least 14 hours. Right now they are getting 16 hours but that is dropping quickly.
Timers are available at most hardware stores, probably even Walmart, and of course on line.

I like adding the time in the morning. Then they roost as it gets dusk. Some folks add time in the morning and evening.

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