I started my new chicken tractor for my meat birds


12 Years
Dec 9, 2007
Poland, Maine
I got my chicken tractor started last night and am now just waiting for the rest of my hardware cloth to arrive on Thursday. After that I will install the rest of the hardware cloth and tarp on one end. The birds should be in there by Friday.


Verry very cool...Can you come build me one?

Getting more meat birds this year but still not ready....last years set up sucked so I'm always interested in seeing what others come up with...
Like to see the finished set up.
Just wondering how those PVC pipe pens do as far as predators. We have a rouge fox that I'd be worried about digging under, but I really love the idea and the design of that type of tractor. Does it get weighed down with anything either to keep it from blowing away? Thanks!
Here's mine- I didn't put the "feeder" in the middle, because I saw nothing structurally important about it, and I couldn't see how it would be useful as a feeder either. I added sliding wheels on the back, which makes it easier to move without putting too much stress on the structure. I put my birds out at 2.5 weeks, because I got sick of smelling them in the barn. I cover the whole thing on cold nights with the orange tarp. In one of the inside corners, I put two heatlamps. My 52 birds are doing GREAT so far.





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Nope- I used drywall screws with washers underneath as grommets. Those snapclamps were too expensive, and I wasn't sure how many would be needed, so I didn't get them. I LOVE this tractor though.

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