I started processing more birds today until it started pouring on me.


12 Years
Dec 9, 2007
Poland, Maine
I got all set up and in the middle of the first bird it started to pour. I stood out there and finished the first bird and I got soaked. I hope it stops raining so I can get more done. I would like to be finished with the last 10 birds tomorrow. I am doing this by myself so it takes a while. Maybe I can convince my wife to pluck a few. I doubt that will happen but we will see.
You have to love Maine weather. I come in here for a few minutes and all of a sudden the sun comes out. Not a bad day after all. I ended up processing 6 birds today and should get the rest done in the morning.
Its the wet season in NM so right now everything is drenched and I need to make hourly checks on my eggs that are hatching
Here in South Florida there's either burning sun or pouring rain to contend with during any outdoor activity. I asked for & finally got from FreeCycle both a carport cover and a 10X10 screened canopy to work under in comfort. Glad you got a good number done today, I'm hoping to do 4 by myself tomorrow.

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