I think I just may have a rooster.... HELP me figure it out!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 23, 2013
I thought I had 3 hens, 2 Australorps, and 1 RIR/Amer. mix... The Australorps are a little over 4 months old, and the other one is 2 months old.. I love them all, but the big one (that I'm now thinking is a rooster) is my favorite.. Her name is Viv (may have to be changing that to "V") I know I"m not suppose to have a favorite, but I can't help it.. lol She, or he lets me hold her, and she loves me. I've had them since they were about 3wks old..
I'm adding to my "flock", I got 2 Buff Orpingtons on Thursday.. They are 2 days old..
Can you help me determine roosters or hens??? THANKS a bunch ! The one in the 2/3/4 p;ic is Viv.. The red one in the first pic is Little Bit, and the other Australorp is Loretta

The little red bird is a roo, and honestly both the black birds in the third pic look like roos to me. Can you get better pics of them?
Oh no!!! Here this whole time I thought I had 3 hens.. lol Oh well, 2 will have to go back to my friends flock.. Guess I'll wait a little longer, as they are hard to part with!!!! I really love them, talk to them everyday! I wasn't gonna have any roosters, just hens for pets, and eggs. But now I'll have to keep one, and it'll be Viv. I just love her, well him.. He comes up to me, and lets me hold him, and comes to the back door looking for me when I let them outta the coop. What's the best way to pick out girls next time? The 2 Buff Orpingtons I just got were guaranteed to be girls by the feed and seed store. But they were only 2 days old, so how can they guarantee that?
Thanks for everyone's imput, I really appreciate it

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