I think I screwed up!! Broody hen


6 Years
Jan 15, 2016
Casstown, Ohio
So I have my first broody, she is a leghorn and still pretty young, on day 13. She was sitting in a nest box that was a little high off the ground. I read it is best to move them to a safe and secure place. So I moved her Sunday night (10/15) I have her in a dog house with a dog kennel around for protection. When I went to let the others out yesterday morning I noticed that she moved to a different spot in the dog house and wasn't sitting on the eggs :barnie I quickly slid the eggs back under her. When I went out at lunch she was off the nest all together. So I panicked and grabbed the eggs and put them in the incubator. It got a little cold that night and during the day. I left 2 eggs that I had just gathered just to see what she would do, and when I got home from work she was sitting again! Now what do I do? Give the original eggs back to her? I did candle them last night and I think they are still good. Do I keep them in the incubator and when or if they hatch give them to her? Or do I just give her a few more eggs and wait to see if she hatches them?? This is stressful! LOL
If it were me, I would leave 2 eggs with her and continue with the others in the incubator. Once they hatch you can slide them under her at night. Leghorns can be a little flighty and difficult to move. I am concerned that she might still 'break'.

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