I think its lice or is it something else help! (PICS ADDED!)

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Fancy Feather Poultry

Cooped Up
12 Years
May 30, 2007
On the end of my ducklings but is a lump, a lump with long looking seeds I dont know what it is I tred to get pictures but she was squirming to much I asked my dad but hes not a ducks person and he didnt know anything so what could it be and how can I help it to go away, this was on her yesterday and I gave her a quick bath and scrubbed it off atleast when I looked again it was gone...I have no idea what it could be and I a need any kind of help immeditly!

Also, I dont see this on my other duckling, its only her on her back near her bottom.
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I tryed to get pictures but she was squirming and my camera died, it looks like long thin seeds it was there yesterday to, I just clipped it its a big lump with long looking seeds coming out I will try to get pictures I am going to put in new batterys right now.

I had to use scissors to hold down her down to see it.
Well, about a hour ago I found the same thing on my other duckling, they are both blue swedish and the one in the picture is yellow but my second one is green Well I looked in the direct same spot and their it was lo and behold but this time it was green! so it certainly is feathers coming in. Oh and yes silkie I was afraid so I clipped the seed look part not the whole this just a little, but other then that they all seemfine and content no buggys here hopefully.
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You need to watch that the oil gland doesn't get infected.

It is unfortunate that you didn't wait for assistance before cutting on something you were not sure of.
The oil gland is important to the duck's health and well being. Hopefully it will heal. Is is bleeding or anything like that? Just cutting live flesh like that is painful.
No it is not bleeding or anything she is doing really well and acting normal I cut cut a tid bit off to check out what it was thats all there both doing fine now that I know that its not lice.
Poor duck, damage to the oil gland is a fatal blow to some ducks. They cant preen or keep themselves waterproofed. That makes them unable to keep dry and regulate their body temperatures. Hopefully there isnt too much damage to him.
Ok, excuse me but when you said poor duck you made me feel like I killed it what was I suppose to do I am only 13 here okay I would have got my #$% kicked if my father found out there was lice in out house okay sorry didn't no any better that picture was after I clipped it last night I checked this morning and she was doing fine eating lots of food and drinking water playing around with the other chicks and acting normal I know for a fact just cause little tiny tiny cut from it will not kill that duck ok. The duck is only 1 week old and is still devolping and has still to grow its feathers out, she still preens her self as usually but she is still little and doesnt have oils yet! she has only gotten to take one bath for god sake!, I am sorry if I sound so ....soo....MAD right now but "Waterfowl", as it seems to me all you know is this is a duck that got its oil gland cut, you probal didnt even read everything ok here let me spell it out to you in BIG LETTERS!, THIS IS A 1 WEEK OLD DUCKLING I LOOKED AT HER LOWER BACK NEXT TO HER TAIL AND SAW A BIG BUMP THAT LOOKED LIKE IT HAD LONG THIN YELLOW SEED COMING OUT OF IT SO I TOOK A TINY CLIP OF IT OFF THE BUMP TO CHECK OUT WHAT IT WAS. She has been fine ever sence and is happy running around with her sister and chicky friends, What you just said just punched my in the chest really hard.
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