I think its lice or is it something else help! (PICS ADDED!)

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Just for future reference, lice are dark little bugs. They won't look like seeds. And they move around.

Nobody meant you any harm, and nobody knew you are a kid (we're not supposed to know that, for your safety
) It's just better with any critter, to get help before cutting something, even if it turns out to be nothing. We know you would never intentionally hurt your ducks.
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Don't get upset. I know no one here tried to make you feel bad. Like you said you didn't know better. It is always best to ask an adult before taking scissors to any animal. Life is all about learning, you've now learned that you need to take extreme procautions before cutting anything off of one of your birds.

At a week old you shouldn't have to worry about lice or mites since they are in your house and lice and mites come from wild birds outside.

Here's a good site about lice and mites that ALL bird owners should read:

I just got my chickens in May of this year and I'm still learning a lot about them. I've NEVER had ducks and honestly never knew they had oil glands and I'm 24 years old so it has nothing to do with your age. I think it's great that you are experiencing these animals at your age. If I had ducks for the first time I would be wondering what that thing was too.

It was wrong that you cut the oil gland but you've learned something now. It is VERY GOOD that you are paying such close attention to your birds that you even noticed something so small.

Don't be upset by anything that anyone has said, we're all here to help each other.

Group hug!!!
This is really upsetting to me since you posted asking for helpand within 9 minutes you cut a duckling's oil gland with scissors. I was asked by the moderator staff to come to help you but it was too late.
You know now not to do that, but my concern is for the duckling. The duckling had no choice. That being said, WaterfowlRescue is one of the leading waterfowl rehabbers on the east coast and known nationwide, so she knows exactly what you meant when she read your post. She has seen it. She has cleaned up the mess.
It is easy to say "it's ok" to you, and I am sure you thought you were acting for the best when you took up your scissors, but unless it is explained to you (or anyone) what can happen when actions like these are taken without the experience needed to assess and WHY it was wrong, it is a shallow pat on the back. We are not talking about an inanimate object, but a living thing. And to those who see the devastation of injuries to waterfowl, it is hard to read in order to try to help.

I truly hope your duckling is able to condition it's feathers when it grows up. Only time will tell.
Amanda, there are many here who will answer and try to help you with raising your chicks and ducks. But I must ask "Do you have anyone (adult) at home who is helping you?" I ask this not only because the above post was upsetting but also because I saw a post where you put your 3 week olds outside alone while you went in to watch t.v. and your dog killed one and your father yelled at you and you yelled at your father. In another post you asked if a 4x4 dog house would hold all of the 10 new chicks you had ordered. And then I saw a post where you were asking if anyone knew where you could buy grown pullets. From what I understand you are keeping everything in the house and your parents are NOT in favor of you having chicks and ducks in the house and are NOT helping you and you keep buying more and more.

Please don't take this the wrong way but there is a lot of responsibility with taking on this many pets. Who will pay for medicines, food, supplies if they need it? I'm suggesting that you not get any more chicks till you figure out how you will provide adequate housing and fencing and necessary meds and treatments for them. You can't keep them in the basement forever and with the comment "I would have got my #$% kicked if my father found out there was lice in out house okay sorry didn't no any better" I'm concerned for you and the chicks/ducks.
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I have spent many hours of the day reading up on chickens, and my dads not he best on this idea but he is ok with it, there really is no one to help because theres no point of asking him anyway cause he just give me I dont know, that is why I ask you guys but sometimes people are not the fastest at responding here and it was more 20 minutes till I got an actual responce I told my dad about what was going on and he said there better not be lice and then thats when I got worried The ducks fine its still got the thing on its back and the other duck has the same thing, My dad knows if I am really close to my pets he will pay the vet bill it has been raining really hard here so we havent been able to finish the run but were are going to get it finish tommrow and put the silkies in we cant put the chicks out yet because there only 1 1/2 weeks old and its around 70 degrees outside, There not in my basement either okay, there in my room and hae much space to run and mess around as they please, The run is 12X12 and were going to make a 8X8X7 coop our copy the hen hilton or something liked that that was in the coop page. I only aksed is the 4X4 house would work cause im not very good at metric and all the hoot a nanny so I asked okay.

I also agree with terrylace 100%. You have to be careful how you "speak" to others on the board. I also, just like ruth, recognized you from your previous questions and responses and have been a bit worried. A lot of people came to help you with your questions, snapping and them will result in no help in the future, Im sure.

What waterfowl was saying is that you may have cause damage. No, a tiny cut may not kill a duck now but you may have cause damage for it to function properly in the future. You wont see those affects until later.

You seem like a caring young girl and I am happy you care for your pets, but talk to people respectfully, ecspecially when you are 13 and most of us are your elders and trying to help you through each and every question you ask.

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My daughter is 13 and she would never have an animal that I wasnt 100% sure she was capable of caring for which is probably none. Even with the best intentions they are forgetful and get distracted easily by wanting to watch TV and play with friends. Thats why I gave their rabbit away the novelty wore off and no one wanted to clean the cage or play with the rabbit.

As a rescuer I would never EVER give one of my ducks to a child. When kids contact me for adopting the answer is no. No child should have an animal that the parents arent taking responsiblity for. Its just plain irresponsible.

My daughter would never be allowed to surf the internet, join chat room or interact with adults in any way ever over the internet either. If she needed information I would ask her to help me find it for her or with her. The legal age for this message board is 13 but thats way to young for kids to be able to come onto adult forums.

As a moderator of other forums there is no way for us to even know the age of posters. The question is only asked if you are over 13 or under. If someone comes onto an adult forum and asked adult questions then they should expect to be able to handle the answers like an adult. If they cant then they shoudlnt be here and pehaps their parents need to do their job and do some parenting. THere are several 4-H boards for kids to find help where they can be among their peers.

Also I would never allow my kids to "talk back" and be rude to adults. Both my kids are well behaved, get straight As and are respectful of adults. Several people in here can tell you they have met them. If my 13 year old mouthed off to me or anyone she woudl find herself in big trouble. Thats the problem with the world today is parent dont teach their kids how to respect their parents or other people. The fact that kids think its ok to be disrepectful then use the "I am a kid" excuse doesnt fly with me.

If I got my kids a puppy (which we just did) and found it it had fleas I wouldnt blame my kids or be mad at them. The dog did just have feas and we took care of it. Thats all being part of owning animals. If you cant handle that perhaps you shouldnt own animals. They get sick, get fleas, poop in the house and a variety of other things.

No one knows everything about the animals they own but my rule of thumb is first DO NO HARM. Second if you dont know find someone who does know. Since I do wildlife rehab its very common to get in a bird I havent dealt with before, I always find someone who works with these animals before I do anything. I dont freak out or panic but figure out what the heck I am doing BEFORE I do it. When I have acted impatiently or in haste are the very times I have made mistakes i regretted.

Unless you plan to keep ducks in the house for 20 years the oil gland is absolutely critical. THey cant live outside without a functioning gland. Otherwise they are doomed to a miserable life or being wet, drowning easily, being cold and unable to stay dry and clean.

This type of drama is the exact reason I dont post on forums much anymore. I used to feel it was my duty as a wildlife rehabber to help people but most knowledgable people get worn out with the repeated abuse. So as the other person said if you need help you may not get it.
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Also I would never allow my kids to "talk back" and be rude to adults. Both my kids are well behaved, get straight As and are respectful of adults. Several people in here can tell you they have met them. If my 13 year old mouthed off to me or anyone she woudl find herself in big trouble. Thats the problem with the world today is parent dont teach their kids how to respect their parents or other people. The fact that kids think its ok to be disrepectful then use the "I am a kid" excuse doesnt fly with me.

So really, I am sorry to say this if this is rude anyway, but when is this about your kids? good for you, your kids get straight A's congrats not every parent is like you okay? then thats when you need to expect some snotty children once in awhile not every child can be perfect like yours, the only reason why you probaly got so much drama on boards is the way you reply to people, saying stuff like you said to me hurt me I felt like a bad person when you said it you have to have compassion and thats the most important thing I have learned in life, your sitting here preaching to me "my children would never do this and that and I would never let them do that or this" ok again thats your children not every single parent is like YOU! not evry single child is like YOURS! I dont seem to see where it went from me asking for help to this all about what you do with your family and the way you set rules and what you dont allow. But I know one thing when you say something to someone like me you cant expect me not to voice my opinion about my feelings, I dont let people discrement me I dont belive in "children should be seen and not heard" Cause I am not a child and I dont want to be treated like one, I want to be treated like an adult ok so if I feel offened you will get something back.​
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