I think my new rooster is an egg eater


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 14, 2014
Alright. I had a weasel in the coop about a month ago and he killed my little cochin rooster. So, to be ready should it ever happen again I got a young, but large Orpington rooster so he could kick some weasel butt if it came back. Since the roo has joined my 5 girls, I have had NO eggs. Maybe 1 a week. I usually get 2-3 a day. Do roo's eat eggs? And is it fair to assume the roo is the culprit? I have 5 girls ages 6 mo to 2 years and egg eating has never happened before. They get treats, and oyster shells, and plenty of feed and free range.... help me!!!
It could just be the stress of the old rooster dying and the new one coming in.

Hope egg laying gets back to normal soon!
Another thing may be that they think e coop is no longer a safe place to lays there eggs so are laying elsewere

I thought about that too. We're on 2 acres so they could lay alot of places, so I'll have to look through the brush. But today I found a partially eaten egg and the nest was all sticky. The roo likes to hang out in the little coop where the nesting boxes are. And he is usually scared of the other chickens, so I think he might be egg eating due to hunger and being confined to the coop.

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