I think my pullet has something stuck in her throat-what to do?


12 Years
Mar 15, 2007
I have an EE pullet who is 17 weeks. This morning I noticed that she was breathing very loudly, almost like a wheezing. Her mouth isn't open, so the wheezing must be coming from her nose. Every so often she will make a squeeking noise. I have heard this noise before from both her and one of our other pullets. They seem to do it in the morning when I put the feed out and they seem to stuff as much food into their crops as possible. It is almost like a little sneeze from getting too much air in along with the feed.

I wonder if she has something stuck in her throat and she can't get it out. I do feel a bump on her neck, but it is far down-just above the crop. I think she may have something stuck in there! What can I do to get things moving? Could I squeeze some olive oil or something down her throat without harming her?

I have to admit that the bump on her neck could just be bone, but it feels weird. Is there something else that could be causing her to wheeeze and squeek? She is not displaying any other symptoms that lead me to believe that she is sick. I just think that she is having an air-flow problem.
my roo will make that "sqeek" when dust ( or my cig. smoke) gets in his nose,, once in a while when feeding and the "feed dust" puffs up.as for the weasing,,, sounds like a respiratory problem,, but i have no experience with that,, sorry.
Well, I searched through some old posts on here, and I read to give pieces of bread soaked in olive oil. I did that, and now she is only wheezing on the "in" breath, instead of both of the "in" and "out" breaths.
I need to clarify....it's not really a wheeze, it's more like a dragging sound. Definitely like something is catching the breath.
like "flem" in the throat, but not so "liquidy"? ,,, if the bread trick worked,, i would try it a couple times a day,, unless there is any sign it made it worse. does her "stool" look o.k. ,,, eyes,, nostrils clean. put your ear to her breasts < sounds like im getting perverted,, but sorry,,hehe ,,, then work your ear around her till you hear it the loudest. anf thats where the problem is probably at.
sorry im not much help,,, i have quite a few birds,, but have had no problems,, yet,,( knock on wood)
Well, whattya know, the olive oil must have worked. No wheezing during breathing sounds, and the lump in her throat is gone! I am amazed-I was starting to think all kinds of horrible things that could be wrong with her. I put her back in with the rest of the flock this morning, but I think I will give her some more of the olive oil bread today, just to make sure everything has moved on out. Thank you so much for replying when I was so worried-I do appreciate it!
no problem!! im kinda new with birds,, so i know how it feels to be worried bout the things,, and it seems like noone can even see your typing,,hehe

i would give the bread and oil to her for a week or so,,, just not alot,, but ya cant "over-dose" her on them,,hehe,,well,, i think too much bread every day is not good,,,hehe

I'm REALLY glad she came out of it!!

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