I think one of my ladys is sick


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
Haskell Texas
My Coop
My Coop
Hi all,

We are out in the thick of the Texas heat, One of our girls Softie isn't doing well, She is our barred rack. Hands down our best layer, She has been really like lazy the past several days, doesn't jump up for food or even snacks, which is very unusual. her eyes look dull, has major pasty butt, her comb is flopped over she is coming out to the yard and "being" with everyone else but that's it, oh and she physically looks like she has lost weight. Please if you are going to respond to this like well time to make some stew. These are our babies, we could never or will not ever eat them, I get way emotional, so if you are going to be insensitive and not try to help and just be funny, please save me the headache. Any REAL advice I appreciate very much
Have you wormed them lately? She may have worms of some sort. Also when mine get like that I give them electrolytes in their water or Save-A-Chick powder is sold in most supply stores. Usually that will perk them up a bit. If the others begin to peck at her I'd separate her put her in a kennel or something and move her to the garage or somewhere cooler shaded and give her plenty of water (with electrolytes if possible). If you notice sneezing or runny nose or eyes I'd treat her with antibiotics. Also look at her poop make sure theres no blood or anything in it. Sounds like worms to me with the weight loss and pale comb and the runny stools. Good luck! Hope she feels better soon! My chickens are my babies too I know how you feel! :)
Update: She was drinking and running around earlier today but never saw her eat. Her pasty ut is a mustard yellow color, dont know what that means. The biggest thing is that when all the others had put themselves to bed we realized she had not. We found her in the far back of the yard hiding in some bushes. My fiancee carried her around and put her in the coop, She did NOT squak or put up and struggle at all. Please can ANYONE let me know what you think??? I posted this hours ago under what I thought was the emergency section,and I know there are a ton of experts that are on here, that can probably help. I just figured I guess that posting in this section since we ALL want healthy chickens that the ones that have years of experience that someone would have posted some advice or something to watch for to help her. I dont know maye I should go to yahoo answers. It doesnt seem like this is too much of an emergency to be lent a helping hand with my bird
Sorry for your loss. I feel the same way about my girls- I've taken them to the vet to attempted to save them.

This sounds similar to what I experienced a few months ago. My barred rock had closely related symptoms and she died while we were at the vets office. I had them do a necropsy and she had a ruptured oviduct. There is nothing to be done about it aside from risky surgery.
I would suggest sending her in for a necropsy if you can.
Hi everyone I am gonna have a few more questions about this soon, but can anyone tell me in the recipe what ind of "hot" pepper they are talking about? That like could be anything


Try this link:
There are a bazillion types of 'chili' peppers, so you could take your pick about what to use for the recipe per availability. I'm sorry about your loss :-( I'm going to be using this recipe also..
I'm so sorry for your loss! I was really hoping that the update would be a good one :( I would get a necropsy done for sure! That way if it is something infectious you'll know what it was to treat the rest!

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