I think something is wrong with my flock


6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
kissimmee, florida
I have a couple of months that one or two chickens die on me. They are OK and suddenly die over night. My flock has grown and now I have polish that I don't want to loose. The thing is that I have been complaining about two roosters that comes from a neighbor but can't get them away. My flock don't free range but I still feel that they should be kept away. The thing is that today I saw one laying around and when I checked him it has running nose. So time to worry. What can I do to prevent more deaths. I know I have a problem. Just not how big
I would find out if you have a state vet lab (Check local extension office or university to find out) and see if you can send in a fecal sample.The tests are pretty inexpensive ($21 for my area) and it can help to rule out or pinpoint if there are any issues such as worms, cocci, salmonella, etc. Good luck!!
It's very possible that the visiting neighbor roosters brought along some kind of respiratory disease, especially if they are showing symptoms. But chickens who develop a respiratory disease usually are not fine one day and dead the next, they shows signs of illness. I agree it would be a good idea to have a fecal sample from your flock tested to check for worms or high levels of coccidia. Also check them over carefully for external parasites like lice and mites. Coccidiosis is a fast killer but birds usually are lethargic and might have diarrhea before they pass. Worms and external parasites can weaken a bird, cause weight loss and general poor condition and eventually death.

Edited to add: If you have another bird die it would be very helpful to you to have a necropsy done by a vet or especially a state lab so you can find out what's going on. Some state labs will do it for free.
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