I thought these were Peking Chochins but the pics Iv seen the white did not line the entire edge of the feathers, these do...? Any ideas?


Apr 14, 2020
Sealy Texas
One looks like a definite cockerel. Any pics of them at around 3 or 4 weeks? I have 3 bantam cochin chicks that others told me were black but one just looked different to me which is why I grabbed her. In the bin lighting, I was hoping for blue but when I got her home, she was definitely a version of black. But white foot feathers and wing tips gave me hope she might be mottled or birchen. Since she def did not look like a mottled chick due to the extent of dark down (except for one lone photo online from a hatchery), I've been leaning towards birchen...with a teensy hope of mottled. Her ear fuzzies never went totally black and stayed white with broken black centers so despite all the black feathers coming in, I still examine her daily for white feathers on neck and elsewhere. Can't shake the gut feeling that she's birchen or mottled. Tonight, I saw the first white feathers emerging on her neck but they are bright white. Too early to tell if they are white tipped or totally white. I've never seen a birchen or mottled chick so hoping maybe you have photos to help me determine what my little Marley is <3 Are the white feathers on your birchens' necks totally white or white tipped? I believe mottleds have white tips so that might give me my answer when Marley's feathers emerge all the way. TY!!!!

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