I thought this was a hen but now I'm not sure?!


In the Brooder
Mar 18, 2015
this chicken is about 20-21 weeks. Didn't start developing its comb until about a month or so ago and now our chickens are all laying. This one is extremely loud. But I've never heard it crow. I assumed it was a hen but I just saw it on top of another chicken! Do I have a rooster that doesn't crow?
I agree with the others, hen. Note the shape of the neck feathers where they meet the shoulders, they have rounded tips. Also the feathers on either side of the tail from up above it, they have rounded tips. On a roo, by this age for sure and probably long before, you would see very pointed tip feathers on neck and tail coverts. Another hen can dominate a hen, even to the point of looking like a mating as the submissive hen lifts her tail. Irritates me, but it happens. I learn something new on here every day. Thank God for BYC!

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