I tried a Papaya tonight...


Yeah, what IS wrong with those things!! And who EVER thought to start eating them.. *shivers*
I love durian.

Here's what it looks like. Outside is hard as a pinecone and those spikes can kill. Don't think it smells like poop, but I've heard others describe that way. I once carried one on my lap on a flight to Alaska. Now I bet it'd be considered a weapon.

I think it smells and tastes like fermented French Vanilla Ice Cream.

Was the flesh soft? If I had a papaya that looked that green on the outside, I would have waited a week or more for it to ripen to a golden yellow on the outside. The inside should be bright, but soft. The outsides usually look like:
if not a bit more yellow/brown before I open them.
Maybe it was overripe. Kinda like cantaloupe, it can be a overpowering musky flavor (to put it gently) when it's overripe.

I've had durian fruit. It was stinky like oniony gymsocks, but the ripe part tasted like bannana custard. The overipe part tasted like funky onion pudding.
Many tropical fruits either reach us underripe, overripe, or are not the "good" variety found in the tropics because the variety we find here is the one that ships the best, not necessarily the one that tastes the best
Don't let it keep you from trying one when you visit a warmer area!

On the other hand, I've tried passionfruit several times and just can't get myself to like it. I think it was pretty awful.

Oh and i tried kidneys once. They smelled like liver, and I like liver, but they tasted like liver that someone urinated on. Eww!
Avocados tasted to me like egg that was slightly off. Haven't had the guts to touch it again

But I used to hate mangoes, and now I LOVE them. Mangoes are delicious.
ray's two cents :

Avocados tasted to me like egg that was slightly off. Haven't had the guts to touch it again

But I used to hate mangoes, and now I LOVE them. Mangoes are delicious.

I can say the one thing I love most about being in California is the avocados!!!! I LOVE THEM!​
mmm semi fermented over ripe tropical fruit... it is possible my taste buds are broken.. I do like fermented tofu to add flavor to dishes. Ripe and overripe = tasty!

Bitter mellon and brussel sprouts = nasty...
Was the flesh soft? If I had a papaya that looked that green on the outside, I would have waited a week or more for it to ripen to a golden yellow on the outside. The inside should be bright, but soft. The outsides usually look like: http://www.all-creatures.org/recipes/images/i-papaya-ripe.jpg if not a bit more yellow/brown before I open them.

I think I probably needed to wait a little longer. There was still some green on the skin. Hmmm, if they are on sale again maybe I'll be adventurous! I also bought a fresh pineapple, but those I've had before so I know I'll enjoy it!
I love durian.

Here's what it looks like. Outside is hard as a pinecone and those spikes can kill. Don't think it smells like poop, but I've heard others describe that way. I once carried one on my lap on a flight to Alaska. Now I bet it'd be considered a weapon.

I think it smells and tastes like fermented French Vanilla Ice Cream.


I've seen them eating it on Bizarre foods.. his face was a trip..

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