I tried a Papaya tonight...

I've eaten overripe papaya....
It seriously almost made me puke. Ripe papaya is delicious though! I bet you got an underripe or overripe one.
I'm thinking that the papaya was not quite ripe. Love papaya, mangoes, passionfruit (YUM YUM!), brussel sprouts, broccoli, avocado, peas, okra, lima beans, ... DISLIKE tofu.
I can say the one thing I love most about being in California is the avocados!!!! I LOVE THEM!

Ahh, it's something about their texture, I have similar squirmish-ness with mushrooms
Like them all and I love pickled beets too. Tofu I can eat, but not my favorite unless it;s done right and in hot and sour soup.

Debi I started a bunch of Avocado trees. Need a couple?? It;s funny when I talk to family that's midwest they think I'm sick for eatting them. Sliced avocado and mess a little for a facial. LOL
Sourland who is the ultimate omnivore in that he eats EVERYTHING will not eat papayas or olives.

The one thing he has never been able to try is limburger cheese - That stuff smells like poop! Sorry, it just does.

Yeah, what IS wrong with those things!! And who EVER thought to start eating them.. *shivers*

I like almost everything but I am NOT a fan of beets in any form. They all taste like dirt. Pickled, they taste like - pickled dirt. I also don't really care for cooked peas but I do like them fresh from the pod.
Yeah, what IS wrong with those things!! And who EVER thought to start eating them.. *shivers*

I like almost everything but I am NOT a fan of beets in any form. They all taste like dirt. Pickled, they taste like - pickled dirt. I also don't really care for cooked peas but I do like them fresh from the pod.

Yep dirt....thats what they taste like to me!

And brussel sprouts

As for Limburger Cheese, it is very good once you get past the smell!
I have a feeling it wasn't fully ripe. Out here about 1 in 10 Mangoes are actually decently ripe, about 1 in 4 Papayas are decently ripe. And of course, 1 in 20 Pineapples are decently ripe. Should be fully golden, not green.

On the Durian. I honestly don't know anyone who knows Durians and LIKES the smell, half the people like the taste of them. It's kinda weird I hear. Never tried it though.

In the winter months our stores get overripe, gross Papayas all the time. People just don't buy them very often. People out here - Quite unadventurous to food. Whenever heirloom tomatoes or melons are sold, they almost always go bad. About 10% actually get bought and eaten. It's quite sad, so I always try and inform people. Some of those melons, the non-hybrids, are REALLY good and beat your typical Cantaloupe any day. As for the heirloom Tomatoes - They beat any normal store tomato any day, even if they are still bought from the store. Avoid the green ones though. Sadly though there is such thing as a ripe green tomato, they aren't popular among commercial heirloom growers, and so they sell unripe green ones. Huge disappointment. Real green ones are DELICIOUS.
I can't say I hate anything I've eaten that grows on a plant.
I've never been real fond of beets but I eat them. Persimmons are an acquired taste as are Papayas.
In most of the tropics there are lots of fruits we never see here. Costa Rica has a fruit called monkey brains with a look and texture like its namesake but tastes great. They also have pejibaye and water apples. Jamaica has a fruit called Ackee. Whitefish and ackee is the traditional Jamaican breakfast and it cooks up like scrambled eggs.
I like mangos much more than Papayas. I worked at a Macaw breeding/restoration program in Costa Rica. We couldn't afford pelleted macaw feed so we cut fruits and veggies every morning to feed all the birds for the day. Besides growing the food we would buy cheap produce at the market on the cusp of spoiling. We'd trim and cut up about 40 papayas, many on the brink of spoiling. That has a tendency to turn one away from that fruit.

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