I want the nest your in !


10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
Jersey Shore
Just had to share- I went to check on my chickens and the big white cochin was trying to lay an egg in a nesting box which the appenzeller wanted. The app was hopping up and down and running back and forth in front of that nest. Of course the adjoining two were empty. She finally jumped in with the cochin who seems twice her size and proceeded to wiggle in back of her. The Cochin was partially in the air with the app getting under her. Then the app turned and burrowed under the cochin with her head sticking out the back end of the cochin between her legs. As I left to get the camera the appenzeller pushed up and the cochin was out and ran off. They are like little kids !
they are such characters.....

Yesterday I was doing the morning feed- heard a weird noise behind me and saw that it was an egg my pekin duck had just laid hitting the concrete and breaking. She has a lovely little nest just 2 feet away from where the egg was laid- So wondered why she got caught short and didnt make it to her nest... I looked into the little box and saw the neighbours cat curled up on the eggs.... No wonder she wasnt going to fight her way into that laying box
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One time I heard a lot of scrabbling & clucking in the nesting boxes. Opened the door to find this:


The nesting box right next to this was... you guessed it... empty.

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