I want to cry......need advise


7 Years
Jan 8, 2013
I am in lock down.....7 out,6 good pips,1 zip.............26 eggs to go.
I think my heater has gone out. Been working all day and cannot get the temp above 95.
I am certain it is low because the chicks are complaining.
It is an LG....I have another so could switch and put a different top on with a heater already set...but am terrified
that I will kill the pipped/zipped chicks from shrink wrap......................
I am to darned tired to think this through was up with the hatch most of the night..............

Silly me................
What do you think?????????????????
Thank You
doing a quick change should be ok

turn on the other incubator get it to temp and then just wip off the lids and do the swap

you wont shrink them by taking lid off for a few seconds

I have removed lids for upto 60 seconds with no ill effect
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When you open the incubator and change, wrap the externally pipped/zipping eggs in a warm damp paper towel and put in the incubator. This helped mine and came out fine. But if hatching is taking too long it may be shrink wrapped and you may have to dampen the membrane and help it get "unstuck". But I bet everything will be fine:)
might it be the hatching itself that has lowered the temp. i seem to remember as my humidity soared the temp dropped. warming up the room the incubator is in might help....

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