I want to know the pros and cons to your ducks

I have looked into Cayugas. I don't need an egg laying champion, I have 11 chickens that are sure to provide me with enough eggs. Ducks for me are more going to be a pet with the extra bonus of getting eggs from them. The look of the Cayuga is what draws me to them, Pekins to me are just to plain looking and like I said I don't need an egg laying champion. How are the Cayugas and Rouens noise wise? I need something that's not so loud it's going to upset the neighbors, but it doesn't have to be quiet like the Muscovy either. Where I live I am allowed to have ducks and such, but I would like to not upset the people who live around me either.
Cayugas are relatively quiet. I think the longer this thread goes on the more you seem convinced that's the breed for you. :3 And I agree!
Cayugas are relatively quiet. I think the longer this thread goes on the more you seem convinced that's the breed for you. :3 And I agree!

I think they might be. I love the colors of them and if they are relatively quiet that works for me. I have to wait until next year to get them and that's okay with me. It gives me time to get set up and decide where I am going to order them from. Any suggestions on that part?
I have four Welsh Harlequin females and one Pekin male. The Welsh harlequin talk all the time, however they only do loud quacks for a reason. Most of the time they just putter around their pen or the yard muttering to each other about whatever they are eating.
They are beautiful to look at and friendly. They put up with my 9 year old daughter carrying them around and teaching them to shake their tails on command. (Not sure how that training is going!) They are happy to do whatever she wants them to do for some treats. They caught on to our routine for putting them in the coop at night pretty fast and will head to the coop on command now.

My Pekin is funny, bumbly, goofy and friendly. He makes us laugh all the time. He is also played with by my 9 year old daughter and puts up with it without complaint. However he is slower to catch on to things than the others are.
I will have to keep the welsh harlequins in mind. Maybe I will get a welsh harlequin and a cayuga. I know once I start I am going to want to keep ducks forever so I might just try both breeds and then stick with the one I like the best after that. Who knows. I haven't 100% decided yet. I do know a cayuga is most likely a definite. I still have plenty of time to decide though so everyone keep putting in your advice on the breeds you like.
Well, my favorite breed, the Call Duck, is already disqualified. :p Cayugas are my second favorite breed. And you're 100% right about the part about having them forever, once you get one duck, you have ducks for life, there's no turning back! I just can't be duckless. I don't know what I did with myself pre-duck.
Yeah I figured they would probably be like chickens in that aspect. I don't think after getting chickens that I will ever go without them. Yeah I don't want to upset my neighbors with the ducks being too noisy. It's half the reason I have held off from getting guineas like my dad wants to. I heard they can be loud.
Have you checked out Metzer Farms website? They have some good info on different breeds in a chart. It makes it easy to compare some basic traits. That is how we settled on the WH's.

The Pekin was just a sweetie that needed a home. I didn't want them because they are plain looking. Now I can't imagine not having our silly Pekin. He quickly became everyone's favorite duck
Pekins can be total hams. :p I agree about the Metzer website, though! That's what pushed me into the Call Duck camp. Well, that, and having a local show-quality breeder willing to sell me eggs and teach me the ins and outs of a challenging hatch. But I love Calls for their capriciousness and duckling-like quality throughout their adult lives. They're kinda like feathered puppies - both pros AND cons of one. XD
I have looked at that chart the only downside to it is it doesn't tell you how noisy a breed can be. I know ducks vary within the breed itself too that was why I posted something here. I wanted to hear what actual owners had to say about the breeds they owned. Now I just need to find someplace where I can order them from that doesn't require me to order like 10 or something. I only want two or three.

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