I want to try and change my city law about having chickens within city limits. Cassopolis Michigan.

Where did you read that? It sounds like nonesense on the face of it. Things can get very convoluted very fast, but the word farming does not need mean for profit.
I had looked up if the RTFA Would allow me to have chickens in my backyard. This is what came up.


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I’ve heard mixed replies about this issue. Perhaps you can explain further about what you know.
My advice is to make a very big pot of coffee and read the Act itself. Only 4 pages but a drain on any brain. There is no silver bullet here, you need to do the work if you want the chickens.

(b) "Farm operation" means the operation and management of a farm or a condition or activity that occurs at any time as necessary on a farm in connection with the commercial production, harvesting, and storage of farm products, and includes, but is not limited to:

(i) Marketing produce at roadside stands or farm markets.

(e) "Person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, or other legal entity

How many chickens are / were you planning on getting?
Have you surveyed your neighbours to see if they would object to your getting a few hens for the additional health benefits they supply?
Have you been to your local city office and aquired something in writing with a signed INK signature that specifically states no man or woman in your locale is allowed to own chickens? And the legitimate reasons behind this.


PERSON Definition & Legal Meaning

Those who don't know their rights have none. All the best.
Right to Farm means that if you have a "farm", nobody can make you stop farming. If you have pigs and the neighbors complain that it is smelly, tough for them because you were there first. If your equipment is noisy, then it's noisy and you have the right to use noisy equipment whether or not your neighbors object.

Have you read the zoning laws and rules of Cassopolis? What does it specifically say in regards to livestock or chickens. Some cities have very specific rules some don't. Can you go to the zoning board or the city council and ask to keep chickens? Some cities will allow chickens on a one by one basis. Never roosters.

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